Guantanamo Voices
Excerpts from Chapter 5 of Sarah Mirk's anthology about Guantanamo Bay. One of NY Times' best graphic novels of 2020
Nobel? Why No Women?
Say No to Spec Work
Spec work is any kind of creative work, either partial or completed, submitted by designers to prospective clients before designers secure both their work and equitable fees. I drew this comic after being approached to enter a creative contest.
Psychology in Crisis
Excerpts from an investigation into psychology's "replication crisis", where an alarming number of studies have failed to stand up to full scientific scrutiny. The comic explores just why this happens and interviews several scientists who are working hard in their field to fix it.
The History of the FDA
Written by Whit Taylor, this comic explores the public safety events that led to the founding of the Food and Drug Administration.
Bad Physics
Science is Political
Scientists from a variety of fields speak up about the current presidential administration, and how it will affect the scientific world in ways most may not realize.
Friends of the Earth
A series of political cartoons drawn for Friends of the Earth in Washington, DC.
My Temple, My Mountain
The biggest delusion in modern day science fandom is that science and culture are unrelated, that science is immune to human faults such as racism and sexism, or that the pursuit of knowledge has always been a good thing for everybody. I drew this comic as a response to the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea.
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